那俗称月亮的國家 (A nation as symbolized by a Moon)
安居乐业有鱼有肉有虾 (Live in peace, satisfy with job and food)
没有冬天只有春夏 (No winter but only summer)
多元民族和諧在一个天空下 (Multi races live under one roof)
可能您不相信有点假 (May not be convincing as it looks not real)
2007 年欢迎您来这國家就知道了呀! (Come and visit the nation 2007 see with your eyes)
国家稳定是基本条件 (Stability is a basic element for a nation)
政治几十年不变 (The politcal status had been constant for many years)
是人民不想改变 (Is the people not keen to change it)
还是没有想法去实現 (Or, have no idea on how to make the change)
看像一场必赢的游戏 (Looks like a SURE WIN game...)
根本不需要玩下去 (Perhaps, should not continue the battle)
过去的時間没有重播 (Time passed has no replay)
但未来有你来掌握 (But the future is in your hand)
一人一份努力 可能把月亮变成太阳吗 ? (With our effort, is it possible to turn the Moon to a Sun)
我的期望...我这"國家我我"的國家 (My hope....for this "Mind My Nation"'s country)
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